Valiant thor double crossed books

See more ideas about val valiant thor, thor and mount shasta california. Join valiant thor he examines the symbols of the great pyramid at giza, through story, metaphor, and direct teaching, revealing how they might help us in todays world. This book has been carefully written in simple terms by dr. Universal envoy valiant thor meets with president eisenhower in 1957 and is put on vip status for 3 years. Val thor landed in alexandria and met with the president to discuss the worlds problems and offer advice and counsel on how to deal with and eliminate them. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term doublecrossed by valient thorr from the website. Commander valiant thor message to world governments 10. There was a period of almost a year where this site was known as valiant thor news. These com manders have been chosen to serve until further advised. Dec 15, 2000 join renowned thinker valiant thor whose life has been the subject of many books and films such as the stranger at the pentagon as he examines the symbols of the great pyramid at giza through story, metaphor, and direct teaching, revealing how they might help us in todays world. Below is an article that details events and a series of contacts with delegates from. Valiant thor and his group was documented by media at the time to have eventually departed in an alien spacecraft.

Franks account, valiant thor could come an go at any time while he was at the pentagon, he was not a prisoner. I asked him how many visitors from venus were presently on earth and he said, there are presently seventy seven of us walking among you in the united states. New valient thorr song doublecrossed is the new song from valient thorr from the new upcoming album stranger stranger comes out september 14th in the u. When dr frank was invited to visit victor 1, which sits at lake mead near las vegas he would meet valiant thor or vice commander donn or vice commander teal at the airport.

This video explores the conspiracy theories surrounding val thors pentagon tenure. Search results for doublecrossed by valient thorr lyrics. Mar 16, 2017 60 years ago today, valiant thor landed in alexandria, virginia adam milatmeyer march 16, 2017 thats right folks, its hard to believe it has been quite that long but sixty years has come to pass since the day everything changed when president dwight d. The only song that i can pick from this album is double crossed. At the meeting val thor delivers the message of catastrophic militarism. Valiant thor is an immortal who resides inside the planet venus. The photo was taken in 1943, and the story is thor had been working with the government since 1937. Jan 08, 2017 now dont hold my feet to the fire on this one. Valient thorr double crossed from volcoment on vimeo. Valiant thor benevolent being arrivedworked for us navy in 193738. He states that valiant thor left the pentagon march 16, 1960.

This book is perfect for todays westerner, who understands the basic principles of christianity, yet wants to expand their knowledge into more galaxial realms. Stranges, with the advice of a starship commander, valiant thor, an immortal angel living among us today. Mar 23, 2017 val valiant thor lived as a stranger at the pentagon for three years interacting with president eisenhower and vice president at the white house and air force military brass. Schnieder showed an image of valiant thor in a lecture back in 1995.

With valiant thor as commander, there are four crew members who serve in the capacity of vice commander. About commander valiant thor part 1 about commander valiant thor part 2 a point of ufo information. About the valiant thor fan club valiant thor fan club. Valiant thor, has been working for the pentagon 58 yrs. Frank stranges book, stranger at the pentagon, which i consider credible information. Valient thorr listen and stream free music, albums, new. Oct 16, 2014 again, we are in the dallas area it is not a false flag report. Oct 07, 2009 valiant thor, the enigmatic stanger at the pentagon. He asked to speak with the president, but instead, according to thor, he met. Photo reveals star treklike humanposing extraterrestrials. Find valiant thors phone number, address, and email on spokeo, the leading online directory for contact information. Stranger at the pentagon is a true story of valiant thor who was allowed in and out of the pentagon as a vip from space from march 16, 1957 to march 16, 1960. The eisenhower alien meetings are just the tip of the iceberg.

His name was valiant thor and many believe that he was real. Whether valiant thor is from the same race of aliens as the nordics who allegedly first met eisenhower three years earlier is open to debate. The prediction of a deadly disease spreading across the planet prior to the changeover can be prevented. The story is known to us via the book stranger in the pentagon by frank stranger. These include donn, thonn, teel and the medical officer who is known as doc. Well, at least according to irans semiofficial and frequently batty news agency, fars, they do.

The north carolina book festival just added a big draw for music fans. One of the great tenants of the huge extra terrestrialufo lore that has blanketed conspiracy theories for over 80 years, and one which has enthralled certain fringe believers. The advanced progressive curve of spiritual development. The valiant thor landing 00274157 room 4d717 project blue book jill, donn, valiant april, 1957 during the winter of 195657, the washington, d. Nov 01, 2014 universal envoy valiant thor meets with president eisenhower in 1957 and is put on vip status for 3 years. I found out about him through the phil schnider speech. This book contains definitive instructions regarding specific subjects directly related to universal law, resulting in immediate positive results for the protection. Jul 11, 2016 photos of valiant thor, don, and jill all from venus photographed at mengers spacecraft convention in highbridge, new jersey in the 1950s.

Hey, alright you know its judgment time so tonight you are my enemy keeper of hive of blood seen your type before oh, i wont. Love, health, and success through interplanetary awareness kindle edition by thor, valiant, johnson, lyndon baines, barker, gray. Stranges, claims that on this date, three extraterrestrials from the planet venus, led by commander valiant thor, landed in a farmers field in alexandria, virginia. Valiant thor s most popular book is outwitting tomorrow. Its been 10 years since valient thorr, the bearded, denimvested troupe of hard rock. Stranges claims to have met commander valiant thor in 1959. Eisenhower that the world was in a precarious situation and that if the world continued to proceed on a war footing it would. Amazingly they take him to the pentagon to meet with vp nixon and p eisenhower.

Stranges, thor was about 6 feet tall and 185 pounds with brown, wavy hair and brown eyes. Tptb fear the people of earth uniting against tptb and their master lucifers plans these are the people of earth turning against their tptb masters, who were same people as the pharisees, who plotted and condoned jesus to his death. Val valiant thor lived as a stranger at the pentagon for three years interacting with president eisenhower and vice president at the white house and air force military brass. Join renowned thinker valiant thor whose life has been the subject of many books and films such as the stranger at the pentagon as he examines the symbols of the great pyramid at giza through story, metaphor, and direct teaching, revealing how they might help us in todays world. Apr 12, 2014 schnieder showed an image of valiant thor in a lecture back in 1995. Stranges always said there would be a great spiritual awakening and prosperity in the last days. His physical traits included six fingers, an oversized heart, one huge lung, copper oxide blood like that of an octopus, and possessed an incredibly high iq measuring around. Books by valiant thor author of outwitting tomorrow. If he is a real alien, is this what we should expect them to look like. Valiant thors signature has never been released to the public until now. The total number of crew on victor one, as previ ously mentioned, is 200. Controlled since at least 1945 by shadowy aliens known as the tall whites, america is being run according to the dictates of an alienextraterrestrial intelligence agenda set by these otherworldly visitors, who have a surprising history in aiding adolf hitler. Valient thorr double crossed volcom entertainment youtube. Again, we are in the dallas area it is not a false flag report.

During the time of this incident i feel it is most likely the 60s also, as the tale begins with a limousine at the bottom of the stairs of the plane on the tarmac at. The cabal tptb will try everything to deny the citizens of earth united with valiant thor s message. Photos of valiant thor, don, and jill all from venus. A better question to ask is, should we expect most advanced alien life to look human.

Wer kann, sollte sich valient thorr live anschauen. Valiant thor, the benevolent alien with an iq of 1200. Commander valiant thor message to world governments 1015. Extra terrestrials visitors from venus valiant thor. He is the commander of victor one, a spaceship presently stationed on the ground near lake mead, nevada, and he heads the council of twelve in venus. Valiant thor arrived in a ship, which landed in alexandria, virginia in an agricultural field.

Visitors from venus valiant thor the human alien from venus, washington d. Thor said he came from a race of venusians that lived within the planet itself, not on its surface. Watch stranger at the pentagon short film online vimeo on. Pictures have emerged of the alleged thor noone has come forward to debunk or discredit them. They were sent here, he said, to protect humans from themselves and to prevent nuclear war. The cabal tptb will try everything to deny the citizens of earth united with valiant thors message. Valient thorr double crossed official video youtube. Oct 18, 2016 whether valiant thor is from the same race of aliens as the nordics who allegedly first met eisenhower three years earlier is open to debate. The science of commander valiant thor and his people.

Valiant thor the alien from venus that lived at pentagon. Val valiant thor is a human looking extraterrestrial from the inner bowels of the planet venus. Valiant thors most popular book is outwitting tomorrow. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. Here is a picture of a supposed alien called valiant thor. Valiant thor, the enigmatic stanger at the pentagon. Valiant thor has 58 books on goodreads with 831 ratings. He indicated that his race of people lived and dwelled underground and that many of the planets throughout the universe sustain life in this same manner. A picture in 1943 showing thor working with his father, and other usa scientists on the philadelphia experiment. During late 50s the valiant thor landing 00274157 room 4d717 project blue book by harley andrew byrd nephew to the late rear admiral richard r. Valient thorrs profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. Upon the arrival of local police, who were the first to respond, thor requested to meet with the president, and was whisked.

From the popular book stranger at the pentagon by dr. Jul 25, 2010 new valient thorr song doublecrossed is the new song from valient thorr from the new upcoming album stranger stranger comes out september 14th in the u. Valiant thor the stranger from venus at the pentagon. Stranger at the pentagon by craig campobasso kickstarter. Stranges stranger at the pentagon as a delegate of the high council, who had vip status at the pentagon from 1957 to 1960, to discuss concerns of the cold war development of nuclear arms in the united states that was leading up to the cuban missile crisis of 1962. Jill, donn thor and valiant thor at harold mengers house in high bridge nj.

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